Dr. Andrew Kelly's Advice On Caring For Your Dental Implants For Optimal Results

Dr. Andrew Kelly's Advice On Caring For Your Dental Implants For Optimal Results

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Teeth missing can impact more than just your smile. They can impact your ability to eat, speak as well as your overall confidence. Dental implants are an extremely long-lasting solution that provides both functional and aesthetic benefits that can significantly improve your overall quality of life.

Restoring Functionality

One of the biggest benefits for dental implants lies in their capacity to restore full functionality to your mouth. In contrast to dentures that can slip or cause discomfort Dental implants are secure secured to your jawbone. This ensures that you can enjoy your favorite food without having to worry about the teeth moving or causing discomfort. Dental implants function the same way as natural teeth, giving you your confidence in chewing and talk correctly.

Preserving Bone Structure

When a tooth is removed, the jawbone could start to weaken in time. Dental implants help prevent this bone loss through stimulating the bone like natural teeth do. By integrating with the jawbone, implants maintain the bone's strength and density, maintaining the natural appearance the face. This is a major benefit, as it prevents the appearance of a sunken face that could result from missing teeth.

Enhancing Aesthetics

Implants for dental use are designed to seamlessly blend into your natural teeth, offering an attractive and natural replacement for missing teeth. They fill gaps left by lost teeth, and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting, and preserving the symmetry in your smile. Dr. Andrew Kelly, a specialist in implant dentistry, highlights that dental implants are also customized to match the shape, color, as well as the size and shape of your present teeth, creating a harmonious and attractive smile.

Long-Term Durability

Another advantage that dental implants have is durability. If properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them an economical option in the long run. Unlike other tooth replacement options implants do not require frequent adjustments or replacements, offering you security and peace of mind.

In conclusion dental implants offer a complete solution for missing teeth, while restoring function and bone structure, increasing aesthetics, and ensuring long-term durability. If you're considering dental implants, they can significantly improve the quality of your life by restoring your confidence and smile. For more information please click on this link Dr. Andrew Kelly winston-salem NC.

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